Sunday, August 2, 2009

Hang-over:I'M BACK! ft. Manga & Zéntrix

Good God,
As usual I havn't sleeped well or much...
Though this time it was for a whole diffrent reason. Firstly some background: I'm a huge Anime fan, yes I know very nerdish of me. And so is my wife, if you looked at her you wouldn't say so but yes she has a bit of the bug too. So after looking at where we could buy some Manga and Anime, a small store in Antwerp was found, now the small store wants about 80bucks for a serie of anime. Which is kinda outrages since the normal going price if ordered online from a respectable site = 40Bucks... Goblinish as I am, I did not buy it. Now a mate of me found "some" Anime at a very low price (not even 1$ a box) so I kinda bought 450Gigabite of Anime last night... and the download was going alll night. 37 episodes of Ruroni Kenshin later, I wen't to bad, feeling a bit ashamed of staying up so long even though I began feeling tired at around 2 at night.

But that's not why youre here, your here for Gold!

If you read my friday post, I sad Gz and well done to Zéntrix. I did that because he dinged 80 and is looking forward to a place in our core-team. (with some help off uss gearing him up)
Now he dabbled around moneymaking a long time. And kinda succeeded in it. But as we all know Raiding is expensive, certainly when our core team raids a fast and hard 6 out of 7 days atm.
(minimum of 2 a week attendance required) So UL25 is a lot of wiping and pain. And it costs money. a lot of money.
Right now, after being tired of money making, I found that I'm turning to the AH more and more, buying up saronite and prospecting them. half of which is turned into Gems for myself, and the other half going on AH to break even.
Now after my proposition to go hand in hand with Zéntrix to actually teach him myself (instead of pointing to my and a few other blogs: blogroll) I kinda need to see whats changed this last month of non-active stock selling.

So beware and get the hell out of my way:

So what are my first actions?
-Scan for a week
- look at markets and use Marketwatcher to find trends again.
-going in whole diffrent areas: Armor kits and Jewelcrafting
-Setting up my DK in the near future (probz once ari's 80 so in twow weeks)
- undercutting the competition and destroying them by any means neccesary
- profit

What will I blog about?
All the above
-NOT about Zéntrix, like I said, I'm not Gevlon and while I share his idea's, and we do somethings the same, I have no intention of blogging about the exact same subjects or idea's.

So wish me good luck now that I'm exploring the deep and unknown oceans of Jewelcrafting and the shallow waters of Armor kits...

oooh and PS: Sorry for those 3 jewelcrafters in my guild, but you'll be out of a profit soon....
and sorry for the Alchemists/Inscriptioneers (or what ever) 'cause in 3 weeks time I'm taking your jobs too.
and sorry to the Blacksmiths... since if Ari dings 80 she's going to take your job too...
yet again: MOVE *insult here*, I'm back so get out of my AH!

One Question though:
Should I start a second banker to get banking again?
would be easier to track progress. but don't know if it's worth the trouble?



  1. Good Luck on the price war
    and welcome back

  2. Ty ^-^
    the comeback is long overdue though..

  3. "oooh and PS: Sorry for those 3 jewelcrafters in my guild, but you'll be out of a profit soon....
    and sorry for the Alchemists/Inscriptioneers (or what ever) 'cause in 3 weeks time I'm taking your jobs too.
    and sorry to the Blacksmiths... since if Ari dings 80 she's going to take your job too..."

    Wow, you must play on an absolutely dead server.

  4. about 5000 Ally players...
    with enough money you can control the market, just take it one at a time, and in a bang
